Team 2024/2025

We are proudly presenting the HSG Team for the 32nd Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot. The team consists of William Frauenfelder, Kara Ölke, Dominic Rode, Alexander Stadelmann, Sofia Truniger and Raphael Wüthrich.

William Frauenfelder

Master Candidate in Law & Economics

The internship in the dispute resolution team of a Swiss law firm sparked William’s interest in arbitration. His curiosity for international matters increased further during his exchange semester in the United States. Alongside his master’s studies in Law & Economics, he is involved in the Law Clinic and is deepening his legal knowledge as a research assistant at the Institute for Legal Studies and Legal Practice.

Kara Ölke

Master Candidate in Law

After completing her bachelor’s in law & economics, Kara is continuing her studies with a master’s in law. During her bachelor’s degree, she was a board member and co-president of the Law Clinic and represented HSG at the Swiss Moot Court. Kara is particularly interested in civil and procedural law issues, which she pursues in her work at the Institute for Legal Studies and Legal Practice. She looks forward to being able to deepen her knowledge as a member of the Vis Moot Team.

Dominic Rode

Master Candidate in Law

During his studies, Dominic has been developing a strong interest in international arbitration. An exchange semester at the University of Westminster in London further enriched his understanding of international legal issues and allowed him to gain new perspectives on legal studies. Dominic gained practical experience through internships at leading Swiss law firms, where he worked on arbitration cases and honed his skills in drafting legal briefs. He is looking forward to the exchange with peers from diverse legal backgrounds.

Alexander Stadelmann
Master Candidate in Law

Alexander discovered his passion for law at an early age when he was able to gain legal experience at his mother's law firm during high school. He has been deepening his expertise during his studies at HSG. He also developed a particular interest in procedural and private law, which earned him a place as a finalist in the Swiss Moot Court. In addition to his studies, Alexander is involved in various organizations, including ELSA St.Gallen where he serves as president and the Swiss Armed Forces as a prospective company commander.

Sofia Truniger
Master Candidate in Law

Sofia completed her bachelor’s in law & economics this spring. Her work as a legal assistant at a law firm in St.Gallen, as well as an internship at a leading law firm, deepened her interest in legal matters, specifically in conflict resolution. Sofia developed a particular interest for international law and arbitration during an exchange semester in Berlin. Now, she is eager to deepen her knowledge in those topics through the Vis Moot and the master’s of law. Additionally, she looks forward to meeting students from all over the world.

Raphael Wüthrich
Master Candidate in Law

After discovering his passion for procedural law through his work at the chair for (public) procedural law, Raphael now seeks to deepen his knowledge in international procedural law. At HSG, he is actively involved in the Law Clinic, has served as a committee representative of the Law School and chaired the Student Parliament’s Legal Commission. Additionally, Raphael teaches constitutional law at the assessment level and is a member of the Disciplinary Commission. He looks forward to gaining valuable experiences with his team.